Ever wanted to play an instrument but never gotten around to? Why not take up drums 😉 in #virtual works too! Perhaps it’s time for a lesson or two!
And if you start in virtual make this your first stop Masters of Music!
Music is in our hearts and we were born to play, sing dance. If you’re a music lover you know that it’s the beat, the drums that gets us off of our seats and get us moving.
Check us out on Facebook and Twitter and let us know how that jamming session went! 😉
Celebrating the love in virtual worlds that turned our realities into the lives of our dreams – because in essence that’s what #VirtualWorlds are.. pathways or means to living out our dreams, ideas and fantasies.
The last week of the challenge we decided to be especially dedicated to those love stories that did not win the title – because we believe no love story should go untold!
In order of the submission dates, here it is. This week’s #LoveMadeinTwinity couples are..
” Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within” – James Baldwin
This week we had an equal amount of votes for two couples that submitted their story so we left it to the amount of views & comments to add to the likes and decide.
This week’s #LoveMadeinTwinity challenge inspiring love story between Carolina and William had the highest rating from their friends. Here’s a quick peek at how they met and their relationship – Twinity Influencers Facebook group submission.
#DigitalArt Carolina
Global Romance #VirtualTrophy and 100 Globals each have been sent your way! Congrats!
Join us on Facebook and Twitter and share your images with us- We want to see how you celebrate Romance Month!
If you don’t have an account, get your FREE account here and join us in Twinity!
Check out image requirements below and if anything is unclear feel free to message the support team for info.
General Audience content – Which means we can not use images that include Adult Content – what we use the Access Pass for in Twinity
Include the Twinity logo as seen in other images we used for the Log-in screen or Facebook (this can be e-mailed to you when you express interest to create an image).
The image has to use Twinity elements or items (this means you can add decorative elements but all the main elements have to be and exist in Twinity)
Twinity Logo
Specific Logo requirements: (right click above and save image to use the logo)
Keep the Logo always centered with the main (entire) image (background).
Keep the logo in an area of *roughly 1200 pixels tall by 900 pixels wide
Do not change logo colors (you can only slightly modify intensity if image requires it)
Do not change the font of the logo
Can only be obscured partially by image elements
Image Dimensions:
Log-in Screen 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels tall (center logo in a 1400×600 area)
Facebook cover 851 pixels wide by 315 pixels tall (center logo in a 700×300 area)
Twitter 1500 pixels wide by 500 pixels tall (center logo in 1263×421 area)
Various ad dimensions – this depends on the place where we advertise and dimensions will be communicated when your image is selected.
Sometimes in life we are lucky enough to find someone that turns our world around.
This week’s #LoveMadeinTwinity challenge inspiring love story between Pam and Roger. Pam’s submission to Twinity Influencers Facebook group takes us through a “visual journey” of their #LoveStory.
#3D Image by Pam
Global Romance and 100 Globals each have been sent your way! Congrats!
Join us on Facebook and Twitter and share your images with us- We want to see how you celebrate Romance Month!
If you don’t have an account, get your FREE account here and join us in Twinity!
Enter and immerse yourself in a tranquil setting of this beautiful and peaceful virtual island environment. A paradise of summer ambient, full of light, colors, butterflies, and rivers that run under bridges.
A relaxing and romantic spot with beautiful gardens, waterfalls and secluded places to snuggle.
Daydream under the pink trees, listening to the breeze gently moving through the leaves, the whispers of the stream that runs through the length of this location
Have a look at this week’s #LoveMadeinTwinity challenge inspiring love story between Suz and Jim. Suz’s submission to Twinity Influencers Facebook group takes us through a “visual journey” of their #VRLoveStory from the beginning until today!
Global Romance and 100 Globals each have been sent your way! Congrats!
Image provided by Suz
This is just a quick peek check out Suz’s and Jim’s profiles in Twinity for more.
If you missed the initial blog post with the challenge guidelines you can find it here.
No matter how we think of it… we found this quote to be a wonderful way to , why not, add to our celebration of love! “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage. “ – Lao Tzu
Join us on Facebook and Twitter and share your images with us- We want to see how you celebrate Romance Month!
If you don’t have an account, get your FREE account here and join us in Twinity!
Because every love story is unique we want to know yours!! All throughout August we want to hear and feature your love story made in Twinity!
We want to know how you met, who introduced you, how long have you been together, are you together in-real, plans for the future! Celebrate your love story by sharing it and be an inspiration to everyone! In your own words and your own pictures or videos whichever means you prefer to share the story with the world.
Check out details below!
Every week we will be choosing the best image as Couple of the Week and award the couple with the Globals RomanceTrophy and 100 Globals each!
Ask your friends to like and share your images. The images with the most votes(likes, loves both count) wins the badge and the Globals and will get featured by Twinity.
First round starts on August 1st CET and will end in August 7th winners announced on August 9th and we will continue so until August 31st.
Join us on Facebook and Twitter and share your images with us- We want to see how you celebrate Romance Month!
If you don’t have an account, get your FREE account here and join us in Twinity!
Halfway between Valentine’s Day and a few months before the cozy holiday season, we believe August to be the perfect time to celebrate National Romance Month!
It’s those little everyday gestures that are sometimes the most memorable. So to help you get started we’re giving you a few tips, 3 to start with, to express your love. And without further ado…
Have one evening without power. Lock all the doors, place as many candles as you like around and just focus on each other. Your hearts and minds will love you for it!
Pack a picnic basket and surprise your loved one with a morning outdoor weekend brunch
When was the last time you slow danced? Just put on a romantic song and ask… “May I have this dance?” Truly a timeless romantic gesture
Join us on Facebook and Twitter and share your images with us- We want to see how you celebrate Romance Month!
If you don’t have an account, get your FREE account here and join us in Twinity!
Can you believe how fast June flew right by us?! But that’s okay because we have the best summer month right ahead: July. And you know what that means, many BBQs and beach days in your future, Annnd 4th of July sales!!
Now you can plan that #4thofJuly #IndependenceDay party – be it a #BeachParty, a backyard #BBQParty or a #StreetParty- any way you like in your dream #VirtualHome.
Because.. you know that #VirtualProperty you’ve always wanted but was just a bit too pricey to get? Well guess what? It’s on sale!!
Until Friday 11:59 CET 50+ EUR properties have up to 50% OFF discounts!!
Virtual World Properties
Check out Real Estate Hold for already awesome discounts or send in a link to the property of your choice and if it’s starting value is over 50 EUR you will buy it with a 10 EUR discount, if it’s 80+ EUR 15% Off discount and if it’s 110+ EUR 25% discount.
If you’re thinking of buying a property in the city we’ve got you covered as well 😉 !!