Caution! Low flying bats Clownin’ Around
We owe the title of this post to something Angelina Jolie once said “When other little girls wanted to be ballet dancers I kind of wanted to be a vampire. ”
So very cute 😉 right?! But today we’ll be talking about Vampire Village. A picturesque town located in Bran, Romania both in real and in 3D virtual world. It’s virtual population was always low due to heretics and mysterious accidents and disappearances, however now is totally unknown…everybody left or…
The town also has a long history of vampires, witches and werewolves, causing Mystic Falls to be an uncanny village with a dark secret.. or perhaps, it is not that much of a secret anymore. The Vampire Village… out in the open…

3DImage: Sandra Rubio
Dare to explore this the village that became a hotbed of supernatural events … Do you dare to explore the dark forest surrounding the village and step foot in the old church and houses in it. Be prepared… the dark skies are always dark and evil could lurk at every corner…
Step slowly, quitely… through the cemetery where souls are resting, or… are they? So as careful as possible take your time and visit this virtual place of the un-dead, the land of Dracula in virtual reality… and if you feel adventurous.. dare to visit the Vampire Village Shop…across the forest, over the… well.. you’ll see! 😉
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