The Twinity shopping tour

Sered has published a nice piece about a shopping tour in Twinity over on Koinup.

To be honest: I don’t like to go shopping, really. It’s inconvienient, tends to consume copious amounts of money, and what’s with those clothes anyway? I just want the same pair of jeans I bought last year!

Virtual world shopping is, however, a different story. You get to teleport instantly to your destination: all shops are just a mouseclick away. You can buy or wear pretty much anything you like: it’s ‘your world, your imagination’. And most of the time, it’s affordable too! It’s no surprise that things like fashion, avatar accessories, home decoration and designer furniture are popular in these worlds.

There’s also a great set of photos here.

Comments 9

  1. Not a bad web site at all. I found this after doing a few searches on Google and it has helped me to perceive things much better – thanks.

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