There are going to be 1-2 important pieces of information posted here after the patch. Please check back in.
[Operations] Twinity update 2-4 pm Berlin time April 24
Dear Twinizens, Twinity will be offline for an update between 2 and 4 pm (1400-1600) Berlin time (CET) today for a minor update. The patch will be downloaded automatically the next time you launch Twinity, and it should be a relatively small patch. Also, don’t forget to join us this evening! We can discuss changes at Twinity, like the membership …
Tinsel Silvera on Twinity and integration
Cool that someone noticed. 😉 and Twinity in-world are fully integrated. When someone twings you, you receive a notification in-world and a message in your Overview at And yes, web integration is definitely part of the point over here at Twinity!
[Support] SpeedTree error message
Dear Twinizens, If you receive an error message like “Cannot authorize SpeedTree. Enter debugger? Cancel will exit the program.”, please click No, and Twinity will start. This problem will be resolved with our Twinity update tomorrow.
Twinity – Be yourself
Dear Twinizens, As you know, Twinity is designed to be a mash-up of the real and virtual worlds. Part of this is the upcoming introduction of outdoor environments. Another part of this is you. Twinity is a place where you can be you. Just as the most popular social networks and community sites do, Twinity embraces the use of real …
Take A Virtual Tour in Twinity
Twinizen Neb posted this cool machinima video of his travels in and around the Twinity virtual world. He highlights his own Austin, Texas, apartment and takes you on a virtual tour of a few other interesting places in Twinity. Enjoy the show!
Twinity members – take a step up!
Twinity now includes two membership levels, Basic and Premium. As a member of the Twinity Beta, you now have the option to choose between the two, but all current Twinity members have been set to Premium Membership. We want to test the functionality of our account registration process and we need your help to make sure things are running smoothly! …
[Operations] Twinity update starting 1600 today
Please be advised that Twinity will be offline for an update today from 1600 (4PM) CET until approximately 2400 (12AM) Berlin time. The update should be applied automatically after the update. Thanks!
Virtual Worlds Collide in Twinity’s Metaverse
Twinizen ak.gon posts screenshots as he builds his shop in Twinity’s virtual Tokyo. He’s framed his own blog, Avatar Watch, enters Hatena World via Twinity and reports on fellow virtual world enthusiast Wangxiang Tuxing’s Mondes Virtuels blog. Wangxiang’s flickr page shows screenshots as he logs into Second Life from within his “Third Life” apartment in Twinity, a fascinating example of …
[Operations] Registration on currently down – RESOLVED
This should be working again.