Greetings 3D Explorers!
Couldn’t wait to tell you guys of our latest 3D Experince and sightseeing. Without further ado I’ll just tell you the location because this is a must see! Twinity Smuggling Island Yes, you got it right, from pirate island to smuggling island.. to keep the adrenaline up! 😉
The places has been wonderfully created by Christian . Accept his invitation to explore the poetic textures and intricate models created in Maya and Blender then reconstructed in Metaverse with a surgical precision!

3DPhotography: Twinity
Allow yourself to lose track of time while exploring this 3DScene , listen to the wind and.. shh what was that? A rasp… no, a scrape! Makes your skin crawl .. but if that’s the case, don’t look up! The tallest but half collapsed tower of the island is used by something sinister.. hanged men swaying in the wind…

3DPicture: Twinity
And if you want to really feel alive… take Sandra’s advice and.. spend the night! And watch the sea hitting the shore at nightfall…

3DPhotographer: Fred Madrid & 3DModel: Sandra (more from Sandra’s visit to the island here)
Allow the air, sound and scent enter your skin… Don’t just see the 3D creation.. experience it!
Have you visited RuMRuNNers yet? Check this out 😉
Have an awesome weekend,
Happy 3Dsightseeing!