Avatar of the Day: James

Looking around Palmadora we found James in front of the rollercoaster! He went to the opening of the Most Wanted Shop too and he is a fan of Club Echo! There is something about his modern Elvis style… we are loving it!

Avatar of the Day: Whisper

Whisper was having a great time exploring Palmadora after one week in Twinity when we asked her to take a picture of her outfit. She had just been in the Most Wanted SHOP and she looked stunning!

Avatar of the Day: Lacey

We caught Lacey being the Queen of Weekend Club tonight in Berlin! She has been working hard on new clothes designs and the result has only one adjective possible: FIERCE! You can also party up in Weekend Club, one of the most exciting clubs in real and virtual Berlin!

Avatar of the Day: Kyoko

Today Kyoko was our special guest/tour guide in the Singapore Tour! Kyoko lives now in Singapore but before that, she spent a few months in Berlin and she misses the german capital terribly! She showed us some hidden parts of Singapore and one of her favourite malls: the Plaza Singapura. Thanks Kyoko!

Avatar of the Day: Nosferatu

We found Nosferatu in Mission Mansion helping Princess Lilly with her upcoming event and we were amazed with Nosferatu’s latest design! She made her dress by herself and the result looks great! If you would also like to create your own clothes, click here!

Avatar of the Day: St. Patrick’s Skaters

Today we got captivated by the fine style of St. Patrick’s Skaters! We find them all green in the middle of Savignyplatz, a new area of Berlin that is opening this Thursday. If you would like to get the coolest skateboard ever, have a look in the Red Hip Berlin in virtual Neue Schönhauser Straße 15 🙂

Avatar of the Day: Taha Haxan

Today we found Taha taking the Singapore Tour! He has not been long in Twinity, but he already found his sneakers in the Sneakers Point and wears them everyday!

Avatar of the Day: Cutiebear

Cutiebear in front of the Big Ben! She is a brand new therian discovering virtual London, but she is already showing her taste in clothes around. If you like what Cutiebear is wearing, have a look in “The Punk Rock Store” in Twinity!

Avatar of the Day: Al Capone

While shooting Phebe’s picture Al went by and we asked him to let us take a picture of him! He is another cool newbie joining the Twinity Family and we hope he stays long time!

Avatar of the Day: Phebe

Phebe arrived yesterday to Twinity but she has already visited the Reichstag and has got her Twinity T-shirt! Welcome!