Twinity on BBC’s Click

Over the weekend, Twinity was featured in a Click episode on the BBC. You can watch the episode by choosing your preferred video format and bit rate from “The Show” section on that page. The piece on Twinity starts at about the 1 minute mark and continues for about 8 minutes. There’s also a written piece about Twinity accompanying the show.

Wouldn’t it be weird if you could create a copy of you, so there were two of you wandering around, in two places at the same time.

The piece does a good job of showing the vision of Twinity – enhancing your real life.

Jochen Hummel, Metaversum: “With Twinity you are not escaping from your life but rather you are enhancing your life. It is a platform for doing a lot of things. Some people want to stay in touch with friends and family, you can do this in Twinity.”

It’s a social environment for meeting people, visiting galleries, or online shopping. Users are encouraged to create avatars that look just like them so they’ll be recognised, and to use their real names.

It’s also a space for virtual tourism. The realism of this platform could help you plan a trip here, or just help you get your bearings before you arrive.

It’s a fun piece to watch. Enjoy!